Today is Poetry Day here in Ireland. One of the initiatives run by Poetry Ireland this year is 'Pocket Poems' - where you can download and distribute little pocket-sized poems as keepsakes.
Since I don't happen to agree much with any of their choices, I'm doing my own series of Pocket Poems and you can find them over on my main blog today: A Blog of One's Own, one of which is this short, simple and straight arrow burst of joy from Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Recipe for Happiness - Lawrence Ferlinghetti
One grand boulevard with trees
with one grand cafe in sun
with strong black coffee in very small cups.
One not necessarily very beautiful
man or woman who loves you.
One fine day.
with one grand cafe in sun
with strong black coffee in very small cups.
One not necessarily very beautiful
man or woman who loves you.
One fine day.
best love quotes english
Hi, guys, let’s talk about the FICO score, those important 3-digit numbers that determine your quality of life no matter your status. Well earlier in 2023 I had a really bad credit score. I would often surf the net searching for real hackers that could help increase my credit score. Well as expected I got swindled twice. Eventually I gave up my search and concluded that it wasn’t possible for hackers to increase credit scores. The good news is that I read on a credit forum about DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION. I was pessimistic at first, but I decided to give it a try. To my greatest surprise, within 9 days DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION was able to boost my score to an excellent score, not only that they added some positive remarks on it. In conclusion, if you have a bad credit score you might want to contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM OR Call (713) 396-5299.