Monday 6 April 2015

Day 992: Easter Exultet

'everything transforms!'

This poem I came across on A Year of Being Here a wonderful daily poetry blog of mindfulness poems. This one I just love. It does exactly as it says in the title. Exuberant, jubilant, it is full of the joys of the season.

Easter Exultet - James Broughton 

Shake out your qualms. 
Shake up your dreams. 
Deepen your roots. 
Extend your branches. 
Trust deep water 
and head for the open, 
even if your vision 
shipwrecks you.
Quit your addiction 
to sneer and complain. 
Open a lookout. 
Dance on a brink. 
Run with your wildfire. 
You are closer to glory 
leaping an abyss
than upholstering a rut. 
Not dawdling. 
Not doubting. 
Intrepid all the way 
Walk toward clarity. 
At every crossroad 
Be prepared 
to bump into wonder. 
Only love prevails. 
En route to disaster 
insist on canticles. 
Lift your ineffable 
out of the mundane. 
Nothing perishes; 
nothing survives; 
everything transforms! 
Honeymoon with Big Joy! 

1 comment:

  1. Loved this!
    Shared with my group.
    Thank you.


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